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4 Confusing Puerto Rican Spanish Slang Words 1. In a previous article Bicho: A Bug or a Guy’s Dick? Well, It Depends on the Country, Jared explains that while the most common meaning of the word bicho in Latin America is a bug or insect, in Puerto Rico means “dick.” Yes, it is a bad, dirty, vulgar word that you should not use in public while on the island. For example, a popular vulgar saying is: mama bicho or “dick sucker.” 2. Now, if you change the gender of this word to feminine to form bicha, you will get a totally different meaning. In Puerto Rico, bicha is an unfriendly and arrogant person, “a bitch.” For example: No soporto a María, es una bicha or “I can’t stand María, she’s a bitch.” The masculine for the same meaning will be bicho also, the context of the sentence will help you to distinguish between dick or a male bitch. So, if a person acts like a bitch, his or her actions are bicherías.

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For example: María me salió con unas bicherías esta mañana. ¡Quería matarla! or “María insulted me this morning.

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